Wednesday 2 November 2011

My last day being 11...

I know..I KNOW! IT'S MY LAST DAY BEING 11 YEARS OLD! Today (especially for my birthday) I got waxed for the first time! It does hurt in certain areas. Only arms and legs got waxed. The lady who was waxing me was really nice. Today we also went to one of the Ambassador's Hotel. I went there to take pictures of her new blog post. She wore some clothes from a place called...'Guru'?Anyway, I have no idea about that.  This is probably a post I will always remember. I really can't post much for this, so I gotta go. Wish me a very happy birthday in the comments!


  1. Happy belated birthday Ananya!!! I hope you had the best birthday ever filled with lots of fun, presents, cake, ice cream and all the joy that comes with the entrance to womanhood :-)

    By the way, I can't find the Google connect box so I can follow your blog :-(

  2. @Nicole- N'aww! Thanks a bunch ;D
    PS- The Google Connect is right there>>
