Saturday 3 December 2011

An Apology

I'M SOO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING FOR A MILLION DECADES (It did feel like that didn't it?) But I warned you in my first post...I'M LAZY! I must get over it, Now I am back. It's going to be Christmas in...20 days, 23 hours, 22 minutes, but hey whose counting? So, Yesterday was my Sports Day(You know what that is right?) My batch had to do yoga and the costumes, AAARGH! 'Your school specializes in making obnoxious costumes!' quoted by my mom. The shirt has a full red background and has a light orange star on it. The star looks something like this-
Except wider. The sleeves ends are bright yellow and the shirts end is bright yellow too. The pants are red and the end are bright yellow too. IT SUCKED! I was wearing my socks and a teacher yelled at me to take off my socks, so I took it off. Sadly, I didn't have time to shove it in my shoes so when we were returning back, the senior bath than ours (Their costume was awesome, They had face paint, electric blue, fluorescent green and blonde curly wigs with a simple white tracksuit) were already sitting there. So I couldn't find my socks AND I LOST THEM. So I had to carry my shoes and walk barefoot. Eventually, I had to wear them (UGH) without socks (INFINITE UGHS) and I felt so disgusted, But nooooo we have to go buy sarees and salwar kameez! Oh by the way, you guys I'M ON TWITTER! Follow me please! My username is Ananya_Sam. Well, I gotta go my mum is forcing me to shut the laptop ;< BYE!

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